Saturday, November 2, 2019

Guest Reader/ Week of November 4th

Thank you to our guest reader, Mrs. Dray!!!

What We’re Learning This Week:  Week of November 4th

Reading: “It’s Moving Day” (Fiction Text)
We will focus on comparing and contrasting “It’s Moving Day” to “Animals Building Homes” from last week.  We will look for key similarities and differences between the two books.  We will also work on answering questions using words like ‘why’, ‘why do you think’, ‘how’, and ‘what if’.  We’ll also be continuing guided reading and daily five center activities. Please continue to read and monitor the book-in-a bag coming home nightly.  As always, we’ll be reading poetry weekly for fluency and expression practice. 

Writing: We will continue our writing unit on opinion writing. Students will learn how to write an opinion piece in which they introduce the topic or name of a book, state an opinion, supply detailed reasons for the opinion and provide a sense of closure. We will learn how to write a catchy introduction with an opinion.  We will also learn how to write good detailed reasons to defend our opinions. I will also continue to conference with students and reinforce the application of what we are learning.

Word Study/Spelling:
Beginning consonant digraph review:  s, t, st
(sit, sob, tap, ten, stop, stand)
Read and Write Words:  day     play       way
Phonics- consonant clusters (s family), contractions (I’ll, she’s, they’re)
Grammar: singular and plural nouns

Math: Our math lessons each day will include computational fluency, fact fluency, and core math instruction focused on the first grade common core math standards. Computational fluency will help the students to use the most effective and efficient strategies. Fact Fluency is working with both addition and subtraction facts within 10, and our goal is to have students complete 15 addition facts in one minute and 15 subtraction facts in one minute by the end of the year. Our core lessons will include hands-on math activities and games that support the common core. This week we will work on part-part-whole story problems.  We are also going to be introducing if two number sentences are equal or not equal and how to prove it. 

2nd grading period Science and Social Studies:
: Habitats
Social Studies: Economics – we will learn about needs and wants.

-Please continue to send in a nut free snack each day.
- Giving tree- information came home about this.  If you would like to participate, the permission slip is due back by Friday, November 8.
- Wednesday, Nov. 13- Donut Day- please return the RSVP slip if a special person plans on attending with your child.  If you need another form, let me know. 

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